Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Best Part of Waking Up

Fury Fans! It's the little things that make you happy. I just completed a delicious cup of coffee, and it feels wonderful.

"So what, Phil?" You might ask. Well, I'll tell you 'so what', jerkface!

It is a cup of coffee that was brewed IN MY APARTMENT FROM A MR.COFFEE. That's right.

Last weekend, The Gal and I went up to Ojai to visit her folks and Rocky the pug(I miss that dog). When we were leaving to treck back to LA, The Gal's folks gave her their old coffee maker and stated "You can make Phil coffee whenever he comes over!" Oh, how excited she must've been! The Gal doesn't even DRINK COFFEE, but her folks gave her a machine to make ME coffee!

Today, in a glorious turn of events, The Gal gave me the coffee maker. She knows how to make the ol' Phil happy.

So, I have just brewed my first 'pot' of coffee. Not so much a pot though, just one and a half mug's worth. But it was delicious. This is the begginning of a new era in my life, and you've all been witness to it thanks to the Blogospehere. I love you.

Pray for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd see the day. Goodbye coca-cola, hello chock full o' nuts. Now when I come out there I don't have to walk down two highways to get a cup of coffee. Now you gotta start smokin, and your turn to the darkside will be complete. I recommend Drum hand rolling tobacco. -Your #1 fan (That lazy-eyed bastard has nothin on you)

10:03 PM  

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