Monday, February 20, 2006

Make it so - Update

So far, the rumors of the Galactus/Silver Surfer storyline have not been classified as 'hoax' or 'bs.'

This intrigues me.

If this happens, and what AICN refers to as a 'Silver Surfer' feature does indeed spawn from the FF2 film, then conveivably we could see Thanos in movie form as well.

Somebody call my Momma!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Make it so!

Recently, I had given up hope that the rumors of a Silver Surfer movie would come true.

Actually, on the very day that The Gal gave me the Coffee Machine from heaven, the topic had come up. It was after I was speaking of how bad X-Men 3 is shaping up to be(according to reports). I had stated that if X-Men 3 bombs and represents the true downfall of Marvel Comic movie translations as some believe it will, I will probably never see the Silver Surfer glide through the infinite cosmos, sad and pathetic yet all powerful, on the silver screen. The Gal responded with a snickering laugh, and stated 'You're never gonna see a Silver Surfer movie, sorry sweetie.' At least she is the realistic one.

But here, a glimmer of hope(mixed with shock):

The hope is that they bring the Galactus storyline to film in the next Fantastic Four movie. That would be the most appropriate way for the SS to get his time in the sun, that's how it happened in the comics and would make all Silver Surfer fans(all 24 of us) fill with a great sense of satisfaction. The shock part?

Keanu Reeves as Norrin Radd/Silver Surfer. Don't get me wrong, I want to see a Silver Surfer movie, and if it means it has to be Keanu, then so be it, but there are many other actors out there that could bring substance to the Surfer that Mr. Reeves probably won't.

All I picture from Keanu is the same dead delivery of Neo from the Matrix films...and all his films really. The Silver Surfer is a broken man, forced to use his powers as a slave to Galactus, all a result of his ultimate sacrifice; accepting this life to save his world from being destroyed, included is that he had to leave his lady behind(and boy, that did not go well).

'Whoa' just ain't gonna cut it.

Norrin Radd needs to be confident and intelligent. Keanu might do the confident, but the scientist intellect? Not so much.

I have yet to see the first 'Fantastic Four' movie, but this latest news makes me want to check it out pronto, just to see what tone we're leading in with for this possible sequel.

This is the type of storyline that they should not cheapen by making it all action, no substance. This is the type of storyline that if they make 'Fantastic Four 2' a 2.5-3 hour affair, give enough time to the development of action and relationship of the characters(and hire good actors), you could see Spider-Man money by the end of its theatrical run.

I shall sleep well on this night!

I fully expect that tomorrow this story will be reported as bogus as does happen on a lot. We shall see.


And around the track they go! Around and around they go, over and over again at ludicrous speed! For 500 miles, the Nascar's best and brightest show their stuff in the annual Daytona 500 race. Arguably Nascar's 'Superbowl', even though it takes place at the start of the season, the D5Hun gets more hype than the NBA and NHL finals combined! This piece of evidence tells me that all this 'nonense' that I hear about Nascar becoming the most popular sport in America might really be true, despite my heart's desire for the opposite. In the last few years, I have seen an increase in the amount of billboards, print, TV and radio adds that portray a Nascar driver, or team, shilling various brands of beer, liquor, hardware stores, and even now DLP Technology! And this is in LA! Nascar is becoming less of a 'hick' thing, which surprises me. I tried to watch the Race today, to see if maybe I have been blind, and am missing the 'Big Picture' that I often think of when folks tell me "baseball is too boring" or "football takes too long." When people say that to me, I gasp in disbelief and deem them 'Foolish!'
"Don't you get it?" I exclaim! "It's about strategy, skill, stamina, desire, and drama! Each game is a chapter from the book that is the Season!"
Those who guffaw at my disdain for racin' would probably say the same thing to me about their beloved Nascar. So I flipped on Fox and settled in to watch the Daytona 500.
After 20 minutes, I gave up.
I really tried this time. I have done this on 3 other occasions. Twice in high school, once in College, and now, as a 20 something out in the world, I did it for the 4th, and possibly final time.
Now I am a lover of sport, and that is a love of playing them, and watching them. This past year, I took another step in becoming old as I have grown a passion for watching golf. Yes, I know. But this Nascar thing still confounds me.
Some close friends of mine like Nascar. They don't seem to follow it hardcore like the NFL, but they do admitedly like it, and have an interest in it when the big races are on TV. So again, I felt like maybe I have been too stubborn about the whole thing.
Well, after those 20 minutes came and went, I don't care if it is stubborness, the race did nothing for me. I did not feel attached to anything that was happening. Being the sport lover that I am, I do know some of the racers. Tony Stewart(he won the Nascar Cup series last year?), Dale Jr., Kurt Busch, Kyle Petty, and Jimmie Johnson. And I saw their cars highlighted as they raced around the track, yet still, I couldn't find a reason to care who wins. That aspect of it would obviously change if I got into the sport and followed each race, thereby finding those in this crowded field that I would deem 'skilled' and would root for. But the 'skilled' part is what I find hardest to bite into.
I know these drivers are in adverse conditions, racing in cars that are going between 150-200 MPH at points in the race. It does take skill to keep control of the car at those speeds. They also face the literal heat of the race, often becoming dehydrated as the temperatures on the track get extremely high as the race progresses along the blacktop. That I can respect, they put their bodies(and lives) on the line for their business, bank account, and inadvertantly( I suppose) the desires of the fanbase to see a wreck. The drivers also use drafting as a way to gain an advantage, which is strategy, albeit a boring one.
That being said, it's still 40 cars, going similar speeds, around an oval, for 500 miles. Sometimes, one car goes to the pit for repair. Sometimes, one guy bumps another car purposely to 'send a message.' He'll get docked some points and get a warning flag. Sometimes, one car passes another car. Sometimes, one car gets bumped too hard and his race is ruined as he loses laps during repair. All of these things happen every few laps, then, when it's finally over, whoever crosses the finish line first, wins. It seems a combination of luck and avoiding disaster is what it takes to win.
Tony Stewart's race was ruined because some jackobee driver doesn't like him so they bumped him hard. What is this, gym class? Here's a question for Nascar can you be mad at your opponent for cutting you off? That's how you win, isn't it? This just does not get my passion for sport going. It's boring, repetitive, and it reeks of machismo. It's like these guys never got out of high school.
All Nascar needs is that girl straight out of the 50's waving the start flag as the cars race by.

The moral of this story is I can't get into Nascar and struggle to see why it's so popular. I know the cars they drive are a thing out of a Greese Monkey's dream, and there is a pit team that works to perfection changing out oil, fuel and tires, which is impressive. I have no doubt great engineering goes into these cars. But what is it all for? To drive in loops, really fast, over and over again. In the words of William Shatner, I can't get behind that.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Best Part of Waking Up

Fury Fans! It's the little things that make you happy. I just completed a delicious cup of coffee, and it feels wonderful.

"So what, Phil?" You might ask. Well, I'll tell you 'so what', jerkface!

It is a cup of coffee that was brewed IN MY APARTMENT FROM A MR.COFFEE. That's right.

Last weekend, The Gal and I went up to Ojai to visit her folks and Rocky the pug(I miss that dog). When we were leaving to treck back to LA, The Gal's folks gave her their old coffee maker and stated "You can make Phil coffee whenever he comes over!" Oh, how excited she must've been! The Gal doesn't even DRINK COFFEE, but her folks gave her a machine to make ME coffee!

Today, in a glorious turn of events, The Gal gave me the coffee maker. She knows how to make the ol' Phil happy.

So, I have just brewed my first 'pot' of coffee. Not so much a pot though, just one and a half mug's worth. But it was delicious. This is the begginning of a new era in my life, and you've all been witness to it thanks to the Blogospehere. I love you.

Pray for me.